Arriving to Venice.
The room at Best Western San Marco where Mark and I are staying. Okay, this is Mark's which is 1 of the two rooms we have.
This is my room and Brent will be here the night before the wedding.
The door leads to a large roof top patio.
Figure this one out? Yes, the patio. More shots of and from the patio follow.
Mark and I waiting to go to the arrival dinner. Why are we waiting? Because we are EARLY.
Mike and Gloria were also waiting in the same courtyard, so we joined them.
Yes, this is the welcome dinner
Brent and Jen with their Australian friend Tamsin (Kylie) who went to school with Jen and is now living in London who travels with her Irish passport. Oh, did I mention she was a New Zelander(?), too?
Mike, Gloria, Alison (Brent's best man) and Chris, Alison's husband.
Kitty's hand and Dave, the photographer, covering his face.
Yes, Brent and Jen, the dinner is over. Sorry.
No, the real reason is Mark shared why he came. This only happens once...
Saying goodnight on the Rialto Bridge.
A little too much to drink? Mark, oddly, was talking to strangers so we met 4 woman on holiday from Spain. Brent and Jen communicated with them in their best Spanish and explained why we were in Venice.
Nightime in San Marco
Thursday AM waiting for our tour guide, Michela.
Off to the boat.
Finally the boat.
They do have trucks and cars in Venice. The only problem is there are no roads for them, so they also take the boat!
First stop-Old Venice. This is were Venice began, around the 11th or 12th Centruy. We visited a church built in the 12th Century. Lit a candle for Brent and Jen to help keep their love burning forever.
See how well the candle works!
We also climbed this bell tower. Very few steps. They converted most of the steps to ramps. Made climbing a little easier.